Aumento del 17% degli Investimenti Esteri Diretti in Cina
– Nel 2010 record di IED (Investimenti Esteri Diretti) in Cina, la prima volta oltre i $100MD, a $105,74 MD, +17%;
o circa il 23% degli IED sono stati fatti nel settore immobiliare.
– Il ministro Commercio cinese chiede agli Usa di aprire agli investimenti cinesi;
– gli IED cinesi in settori non finanziari sono stati $59MD, +36,3% sul 2009.
o i gruppi cinesi incontrano ostacoli ad investire in particolare nel settore siderurgico e manifatturiero.
– Siglata una serie di accordi commerciali e di investimenti con gli Usa;
o il ministro Commercio prevede per il 2011 qualche problema per il commercio estero cinese: l’aumento dei costi di produzione in Cina, attriti commerciali e rallentamento della ripresa mondiale.
Fonte: Ufficio statistico nazionale cinese
Foreign Direct Investment in China Rises 17%
– BEIJING—China’s Commerce Ministry urged the U.S. to open up to Chinese investments.
Ministry spokesman Yao Jian said he hopes that U.S. laws on investment by foreign firms—largely to protect national-security considerations—can become more transparent.
The remarks came ahead of a state visit to the U.S. by Chinese President Hu Jintao that starts Tuesday.
"China is improving its own investment environment and legal system for investments, and we hope the relevant countries further open up their markets and investment areas," Mr. Yao said at a briefing Tuesday.
– Chinese companies in such industries as steel and manufacturing can encounter obstacles when seeking to invest in the U.S., Mr. Yao said. He didn’t name specific companies.
– The comments came as China reported that foreign investment into its surging economy reached a new high last year, passing the $100 billion mark for the first time, amid a recovery in the global economy.
Mr. Yao also credited China’s improved investment environment.
– Inbound FDI last year rose 17% to $105.74 billion, reversing a 2.6% decline in 2009, China’s Commerce Ministry said.
– Growth of FDI into China slowed last month after three months of gains, rising 16% from a year earlier to $14.03 billion. FDI rose 38.2% in November.
– Mr. Yao said about 23% of FDI last year flowed into China’s real-estate market and that the ministry is boosting cooperation with other agencies to improve regulation of the sector.
– Investment overseas in nonfinancial sectors by Chinese companies totaled $59 billion last year, up 36.3% from a year earlier, the ministry said.
– China made a number of moves to improve its investment environment last year, including pledging to protect the intellectual-property rights of foreign companies.
– China will sign a series of trade and investment agreements with the U.S. in Chicago on Friday, the ministry said. Mr. Hu will meet with U.S. and Chinese business executives on Friday in Boeing Co.’s home base of Chicago.
– The ministry also outlined challenges that are likely to affect China’s foreign trade this year, including rising production costs, a possible increase in trade frictions and the slow pace of the world economic recovery.
Mr. Yao said boosting imports is one of the main tasks for China.