Decine di migliaia di lavoratori rumeni protestano contro il piano di austerità del governo

Wsws 100521

Decine di migliaia di lavoratori rumeni protestano contro il piano di austerità del governo

●    Circa 50 000 i partecipanti alle proteste a Bucarest.

●    Il piano d’austerità provocherà il taglio per il 2011 di 70 000 posti di lavoro nel PI (ora a 1,36 mn.), riduzione del 25% per i salari e del 15% per le pensioni. Circa 22 246 000 la popolazione nel 2008 (Wikipedia).

●    L’FMI prevede 1 milione di disoccupati per la fine dell’anno.

●    I salari medi mensili sono di €450; la disoccupazione è di circa 740 000 unità.

– Il primo ministro rumeno, Emil Boc: le misure sono l’unica soluzione per il futuro del paese. Secondo la Banca Centrale rumena il governo è in grado di coprire le proprie spese per soli 20 giorni al mese.

Nel 2009, a seguito della caduta del 7,1 della sua economia la Romania ha avuto un prestito di €20MD da FMI, UE e BM.

Wsws 100521

Tens of thousands of Romanian workers protest government austerity

On Wednesday, tens of thousands of workers protested in the Romanian capital Bucharest in opposition to government plans to cut wages, pensions and other benefits and social services.

–   Under the plans, thousands of public sector jobs are to be lost, wages reduced by a quarter and pensions by 15 percent.

–   Up to 50,000 people participated in the protests, blocking traffic in central Bucharest for two hours. Many of those in attendance chanted anti-government slogans, including, “Down with the Lying Government!” and “You have pawned our future”.

During the protests, Economy Ministry official Marcel Hoara was booed and pelted with water and stones following his appearance at a live TV debate.

–   As the protest was taking place, the government of Prime Minister Emil Boc said that the austerity measures, due to be implemented on June 1, were “the only viable solution for the country’s future”. According to the Romanian Central Bank, the government can cover its costs for only 20 days per month.

–   Last year the government was loaned €20 billion from the International Monetary Fund, European Union[e] and World Bank as the economy shrank by 7.1 percent. The austerity measures will have a devastating impact in a country where poverty is already widespread. Average monthly wages are just €450 a month and unemployment stands at about 740,000. Under the plans, the government is to shed 70,000 state employees’ jobs from the current level of 1.36 million by 2011.

According to the IMF, up to 1 million people may be unemployed by the end of this year.

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