La Cina corteggia l’India per parare la strategia di contenimento degli Usa

• Il
presidente cinese Hu Jintao ha compiuto una visita di 4 giorni in Cina

e di 3 in Pakistan.

• Nel ’62 Cina
e India hanno combattuto una breve guerra per una disputa sui

confini mai risolta. C’è stato un riavvicinamento nel 2003
ma spesso i loro

interessi sono in competizione su investimenti, risorse
energetiche estere e

influenza internazionale.

Il Pakistan, storico rivale dell’India, ha rapporti speciali
con la Cina

risalenti agli anni ’60.

• La Cina non
ostacolerà la ratifica, da parte dei 45 stati del Gruppo Fornitori Nucleari,
dell’accordo che Washington ha fatto con New Delhi di dare all’India

uno status unico nel regime regolatore del nucleare
mondiale; secondo questo

accordo, all’India verrà dato accesso al combustibile
nucleare e alle

tecnologie estere, sebbene abbia rifiutato di firmare
l’Accordo di Non

Proliferazione Nucleare (NPT).

• Tramite
l’accordo e i successivi accordi economici, di tecnologia

nucleare, militari e geopolitici, l’amministrazione Bush e
il personale

addetto alla politica estera degli Usa intendono vincolare
l’India alle

ambizioni degli Usa in Asia – particolarmente il contenimento
della Cina e

l’espansione dell’influenza nei paesi dell’Asia Centrale
ricchi di petrolio.

La campagna lanciata da Pechino per ingraziarsi l’India
indica che il

governo cinese ha concluso che il modo migliore di parare la
penetrazione strategica degli Usa nel Sud Asia, è il “corteggiamento
aggressivo” dell’India. Senza dubbio uno dei fattori che ha incoraggiato la
Cina è stato il naufragio della strategia

dell’amministrazione Bush di affermare l’egemonia globale
degli Stati Uniti

con la conquista dell’Irak.

• La speranza
dell’elite Indiana è quella di poter cavalcare l’onda delle

geopolitiche mondiali senza destare fastidi a una delle
grandi potenze.

• India e Cina
hanno annunciato una strategia per cui: verrà raddoppiato il

commercio tra i due paesi – la Cina è già il secondo partner

dell’India- da 20 miliardi
a 40 miliardi $ all’anno entro il 2010, si

svolgeranno vertici di incontro regolari tra i capi del
governo dei 2 paesi,

ci sarà “prossima risoluzione” riguardo alla questione della
disputa sui confini, una

stretta cooperazione nella gestione dei fiumi che
attraversano il confine

tra Cina e India, iniziative comuni per assicurare riserve

estere e un coordinamento nella strategia dei negoziati del
WTO e in

altre discussioni internazionali.

• La stampa
Indiana inoltre riporta che funzionari cinesi segnalano che

Pechino non sia neanche contraria al seggio permanente
dell’India nel

Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’Onu.

• Sembra che
Hu abbia detto ai dirigenti del Fronte di Sinistra, il Partito

Comunista indiano- che sta appoggiando l’Upa (Alleanza
Progressiva Unita)

nel Parlamento indiano- che devono essere più pragmatici
nelle loro riforme

socio-economiche neo-liberali.

• La Cina però
è anche il maggior fornitore di armi al Pakistan e,

attraverso la costruzione di un porto a Gwadar nella
provincia pakistana del

Baluchistan, sta cercando di stabilire una presenza navale
nel Mare Arabico

e nell’Oceano Indiano.

• Sia India
che Cina sono sempre più dipendenti dalle importazioni di

energia dall’estero e sono state coinvolte in guerre per
assicurare petrolio

e riserve naturali di gas.

• Mentre il
governo e l’industria indiani hanno accolto positivamente il

commercio tra Cina e India, sezioni della stampa indiana
hanno espresso

allarme per la crescente importanza economica della Cina
nell’ Asia Meridionale.

La Cina, per esempio ha recentemente soppiantato l’India
come maggior

partner commerciale del Bangladesh. Hu inoltre ha firmato un
accordo di

libero commercio col Pakistan. L’elite indiana ha promosso
un Accordo di

Libero Commercio in Sud Asia (SAFTA), come consolidamento
del suo dominio

economico e geopolitico sul subcontinente, ma a causa del

Indo-Pakistano e altre rivalità statali lo sforzo dell’India
di creare una

zona economica guidata dall’India nel Sud Asia è passato in
secondo piano.

Altre questioni riguardano la competizione fra Cina e India
circa l’energia

proveniente dalla Birmania e la paura dell’India che la Cina
le impedisca di

partecipare ad un blocco commerciale allargato est-asiatico.

Poco prima della visita di Hu, inoltre, un ambasciatore
cinese in India ha

riaffermato la rivendicazione della Cina su territori
nell’est indiano di

Arunachal Pradesh, a cui è seguita una reazione di rabbia.

• Washington
non è insensibile alla situazione, oltre ad aver fatto

pressione sull’India per un allineamento nei confronti della
politica estera

degli Usa riguardo all’Iran, Washington esige un prezzo
considerevole per

l’accordo nucleare fra India e Usa.

Se l’India dovesse rifiutare la Cina come partner o si
trovasse costretta a

eseguire l’ordine di Washington, la Cina potrebbe rispondere

l’alleanza col suo rivale, il Pakistan.

• I governi di
Cina e Pakistan hanno annunciato inoltre altri progetti per

promuovere integrazioni economiche e militari, inclusa la
creazione di una

zona economica speciale per le compagnie tessili cinese a
Faisalabad e

lo sviluppo in comune aerei radar a lungo raggio per
avvistamento anticipato.

La Cina è inoltre coinvolta in una serie di progetti di
costruzioni nucleari

civili in Pakistan. Ma Hu e Musharraf non hanno annunciato,
come era stato

supposto che facessero, un accordo cino-pachistano per il
nucleare civile

come quello negoziato tra India e Usa. Un accordo simile non

permesso a Pechino di corteggiare l’India, e la stampa
indiana l’ha notato.

China woos India to parry US containment strategy

By Keith

28 November 2006

President Hu Jintao made a four-day visit to India last week, then

spent three
days in Pakistan.

relations have long been strained. In 1962 the two countries

fought a
brief war over a border dispute that still remains unresolved. In

June 2003,
in the immediate aftermath of the illegal US invasion of Iraq,

China and India initiated a rapprochement. But Asia’s two aspirant world

powers have
frequently found themselves competing for investment, foreign

resources, and international influence.

Pakistan, India’s historic rival, has a special
relationship with China

dating back
to the mid-1960s. The Pakistani elite often refers to China as

Pakistan’s “all-weather friend,” a snipe at
the US, which it contends has

responded to shifts in world geo-politics by leaving Pakistan in

the lurch.

Hu’s South Asia trip demonstrated that China’s leadership is anxious to

Sino-Indian relations and that India is seeking to straddle the

geo-political fault-line between China and the US.

To India, Hu offered a dramatic increase in
bilateral relations, including a

enhanced economic partnership, military exchanges, and civilian


Hu and his
aides also reportedly signaled that China will not stand in the

way of the
45-state Nuclear Supplier Group endorsing the agreement

Washington has made with New Delhi to give India a unique status within the

nuclear regulatory regime. Under this agreement, India will be given

access to
foreign nuclear fuel and technology even though it has refused to

sign the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The Indo-US
nuclear accord

The Bush
administration has touted the Indo-US nuclear accord as a major

coup, arguing that it will cement an Indo-US strategic

that will have a transformative impact on world geo-politics in

twenty-first century.

Through the
accord and subsequent increased Indo-US economic,

military, and geo-political ties, the Bush

and US foreign policy establishment intend to harness

to US
ambitions in Asia—particularly US attempts to contain
China and expand

influence in oil-rich Central Asia.

Till last
week, China, without categorically opposing the Indo-US

accord, had
signaled wariness and suspicion of it. In an October 30

the People’s Daily said of the Indo-US nuclear accord, “It is

clear that
the United States’s deliberate violation of the NPT is a move to

other nations. US assistance to India is a kind of nuclear


The campaign
Beijing has now launched to woo India indicates that the

government has concluded it can best parry the US strategic thrust

in South Asia, by aggressively courting India. Undoubtedly one of the

emboldening China is the shipwreck of the Bush

strategy to
assert US global hegemony through the conquest of Iraq.

India, meanwhile, is acutely aware that
the US is hoping to ensnare it in a

relationship and use it as a counterweight to China. In the

months since Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President

George W.
Bush first reached a tentative nuclear accord—the deal was

last March—the US has repeatedly brought heavy
pressure to bear on

India to support US foreign policy, especially Washington’s attempts to

bully Iran over its nuclear program.

There are a
number of reasons why the Congress Party-led United Progressive

(UPA) government and Indian big business have clutched at the

accord offered by Washington. Under the accord India would gain

access to
foreign nuclear fuel and technology enabling it to concentrate the

of its own nuclear program on weapons development. The accord

de facto recognition of India as a nuclear-weapons state and

represents a significant step toward winning the status of world power

that India’s elite has long-coveted. The
accord would place India’s

with the US on a new plane, paving the way for

investment and a potentially greater role for India in world

where US and Indian interests coincide, as in propping up the Karzai

in Afghanistan.

But even as
India under the UPA government has tilted toward the
US, voting

with it
against Iran at meetings of the International
Atomic Energy Agency

and voicing
only the meekest of criticisms of last summer’s Israeli invasion

of Lebanon, it has pursued closer relations
with other major world powers,

notably China and Russia. The hope of India’s elite is that it will be

able to
navigate the quickening currents of world geo-politics without

caught in the wake of one of the bigger powers; that it will be able

to exploit
its position as, what a CIA document called, the most important

swing state” in the world geo-political order.

rivals, but partners”

A central
theme of the speeches given by Hu and Manmohan Singh during the

president’s visit, as well as the “Joint declaration issued by the

Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China,” was that India and

China are partners and that the rise of
one can and should facilitate—not

hamper or
frustrate—the rise of the other.

“Both sides
agree,” said the joint statement, “that the relationship between

India and China … is of global and strategic
significance. … Both sides

hold that
view that there exist bright prospects for their common

that they are not rivals or competitors but are partners for

benefit. … As two major countries in the emerging multi-polar

order, the simultaneous development of India and China will have a

influence on the future international system.”

Manmohan Singh, “There is enough space for the two countries to develop

together in
a mutually supportive manner while remaining sensitive to each

concerns and aspirations, as befits good neighbors and partners for


President Hu, for his part, declared “India’s growth is an

not a threat.”

With the
aim of making the improvement in Sino-Indian relations

India and China signed 13 protocols, agreements,

of understanding during Hu’s visit. The two states also

announced a
10-progned strategy to enhance and diversify their bi-lateral

The strategy calls for: the doubling of Sino-Indian trade—China

is already India’s second largest trading—from $20
billion to $40 billion

per year by
2010; regular summit meetings between the two countries’ heads

government; “early settlement” of the boundary dispute; closer

in the management of the rivers that cross the Sino-Indian

joint initiatives to secure foreign energy resources; and

as co-“leaders of the developing world” of strategy at the WTO

and in other international forums.

that “China does not seek any selfish gains in South Asia,”

Hu affirmed China’s full support for the
Indo-Pakistani peace

that was initiated at the beginning of 2003. He added that if asked,

China would be ready to help facilitate India’s reconciliation with


Some Indian
press reports say that Chinese officials also signaled that

Beijing is not opposed to India obtaining a permanent seat on the

Council. But the joint statement only committed China to supporting

“India’s aspirations to play a greater
role in the United Nations.”

Hu is
reputed to have told the leaders of the Left Front, the Communist

Party of India (Marxist)-led coalition that is
propping up the UPA in

India’s parliament, that they should be
“more pragmatic” in their attitude

to further
neo-liberal socio-economic reform. The Left Front, which has

pro-investor polices in the states where it forms the government

citing the
example of China’s Stalinist regime, has hotly
contested the

reports of
what happened at its closed door meeting with the Chinese

If Hu did in fact urge the Left Front to be even more

to Indian and foreign capital, it would only underscore the

extent to
which Hu and the Chinese leadership are intent on wooing the India

and big business.

A minefield
of conflicting interests

While Hu’s
visit represents a potential new point of departure in

relations, the two states have a long history of strained

and a minefield of conflicting economic and geo-political

even if one leaves aside the fact that China is the most

supplier of arms to Pakistan and, through the building of a port

at Gwadar
in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan, is seeking to establish

a naval
presence in the Arabian Sea and Indian

Both India and China are increasingly dependent on
foreign energy imports

and have
been involved in bidding wars to secure oil and natural gas


While the India government and business has
welcomed the growth in

trade, sections of the Indian press have expressed alarm at

China’s growing economic importance in South Asia as a whole. China, for

recently supplanted India as Bangladesh’s most important trading

Hu, on completing his India visit, flew to Pakistan and signed a

free trade agreement. The Indian elite has promoted a South

Asian Free
Trade Agreement (SAFTA) as a means of consolidating its economic

geo-political dominance over the subcontinent, but because of the

conflict and other state rivalries India’s efforts to create

Indian-led South Asian economic zone have gone little beyond the drawing


India and China have also been involved in an
economic and geo-political

rivalry in
south-east Asia, with India and China competing for energy from

Burma and India fearful that China will prevent it from participating
in an

East Asian trading bloc.

Just days
before Hu’s visit, the Chinese ambassador to India reasserted

China’s claim to territory in the east
Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. It

has been
suggested that this statement was scripted by Beijing so as to stir

controversy and thereby prod New Delhi into taking greater interest in a

resolution of the border dispute. But even if true, the angry

reaction to
the ambassador’s remarks underscores that there will be no easy

to the conflicting territorial claims.

Last but
not least, the US will not stand idly by. There has
been virtually

no public
reaction from the US political establishment to Hu’s
visit and

China’s courting of India, but as has already been seen with
the demands

from the
Bush administration and US congressional leaders that India toe the

US line on Iran, Washington intends to exact a hefty price for
the Indo-US


second-leg of Hu’s South Asia tour also had a message for India. Should

India spurn China’s offer of a partnership or find
itself bullied into doing

Washington’s bidding, China can respond by tightening its
already close

with India’s arch-rival Pakistan.

The free
trade agreement Hu and Pakistani dictator General Pervez Musharraf

during the former’s visit to Islamabad is only the second free

agreement that China has entered into. The Chinese and

also announced numerous other projects to promote closer

and military integration, including the establishment of a special

zone for Chinese textile companies in Faisalabad and joint

of long-range early-warning radar aircraft.

China is presently involved in several
civilian nuclear power construction

projects in
Pakistan. But Hu and Musharraf did not announce, as it
had been

they would, a Sino-Pakistani civilian nuclear accord comparable to

that India and the US have negotiated. Such an agreement
would have cut

across Beijing efforts to court India, and the lack of any such agreement

was duly
noted by the Indian press.

But China has not ruled out such an accord in
the future.

It merits
noting that the author of the aforementioned People’s Daily

that roundly attacked the Indo-US nuclear accord argued that given

the huge gap
between the size of India’s and Pakistan’s conventional forces.

“It is
Pakistan that needs nuclear weapons.”

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