La Commissione europea per migliori relazioni con la Libia
– La Libia è un importante attore dell’area del Mediterraneo e dell’Africa; finora non è stata creata una struttura per le sue relazioni con a UE (commissario per le relazioni estere della Ue, Benita Ferrero-Waldner).
– Quando i 27 paesi UE avranno dato il via libera, la Commissione avvierà i negoziati per un accordo per le relazioni politiche, sociali, economiche, commerciali e culturali con la Libia.
– La UE ha ripreso le relazioni con la Libia nel 2007, dopo la liberazione di 6 medici stranieri accusati di diffondere l’AIDS … in occasione della visita in Libia della Waldner e della ex moglie di Sarkozy, Cecilia.
BRUSSELS: The European Commission proposed Wednesday to open negotiations on boosting EU relations with Libya, with the aim of completing a first-ever framework for ties by the end of the year. "This is a historic decision.
– Libya is an important player in the Mediterranean region and in Africa, and so far has no framework for relations with the EU," said External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner. The commission said it would begin negotiating an agreement covering political, social, economic, commercial and cultural relations with Libya once it has received the green light from the bloc’s 27 member nations. "I am confident that the agreement will create solid and long-lasting relations between Libya and the EU," she said.
– The European union[e]resumed ties with Libya last year after Tripoli released six foreign medics accused of spreading the virus that causes AIDS to children. The medical personnel were jailed in 1999 after being convicted of infecting more than 400 children with HIV-tainted blood in a hospital in the northeast city of Benghazi. They were freed last July following a trip to Libya by Ferrero-Waldner and then French first lady Cecilia Sarkozy. To help secure their release, Ferrero-Waldner signed a memorandum of understanding with Tripoli offering to work toward improving relations. – AFP