La Germania è il 5° maggior partner degli EAU, $8,4 MD il commercio non petrolifero
– Continuano a progredire i legami economici Germania-EAU, come testimonia l’andamento degli scambi commerciali e degli investimenti:
– [da uno studio del ministero per il commercio estero degli Emirati] 2006-2009, l’interscambio commerciale, non petrolifero, da $6,188MD à $8,448MD, +36,5%; (nel 2008 a $10,609MD).
– La quota tedesca nel commercio non petrolifero degli EAU era nel 2009 del 4,7%.
– Con circa 157 imprese tedesche negli EAU, la Germania è al 3° posto per numero di imprese, dopo UK e USA.
o le ri-esportazioni in Germania -56,4%, $190MD, vicino al valore 2007.
o Import da Germania -19,1%, €167MD, valore anch’esso vicino a quello del 2007.
o questo ha portato ad un calo complessivo dell’interscambio a $8,4MD, di cui $4,281MD l’export totale degli EAU verso la Germania (5a per l’export EAU nel 2008-2009; e 4a per export verso EAU nel 2009).
o 2009, aumento dell’export complessivo degli EAU verso la Germania del 61,7%, dovuto per la maggior parte a polieteri, policarbonati, poliesteri e simili ($19MD);
o le più importanti ri-esportazioni verso la Germania erano macchinari, equipaggiamenti e metalli speciali, oro, e perle.
– Investimenti tedeschi negli EAU: 2006, $165mn., +66% su 2005, pari allo 0,9% degli investimenti diretti totali del 2006 ($19MD) e $34MD nel 2009.
o Gli investimenti tedeschi negli EAU sono soprattutto nel settore estrattivo, manifatturiero, produzione energia, infrastrutture, e organizzazione.
– Raccomandazioni: rafforzare la cooperazione negli investimenti tra Germania ed Emirati; attrarre maggiori investimenti tedeschi, aumentare il commercio di ri-esportazione della Germania, soprattutto perché gli EAU si trovano tra Sud Asia, MO e Africa,
– Utilizzare i benefici di una maggiore area di libero scambio per attrarre gli investimenti di un numero maggiore di imprese tedesche, e progetti industriali congiunti; importante l’investimento congiunto nelle energie rinnovabili.
– Per la Germania gli EAU sono un mercato di esportazione comparabile a quello dell’ India, Hong Kong o Singapore.
o 2008, l’interscambio +40%, a €8,16MD;
o 2009, l’export tedesco è sceso a €6,1MD; meno forte il calo dell’import dagli EAU (€466mn.)
o In 4 anni l’export tedesco verso EAU più che duplicato, principali esportazioni: veicoli, macchinari, equipaggiamento elettrico, prodotti chimici e tecnologia per l’energia.
● 2009, Abu Dhabi in particolare ha fatto importanti investimenti in Germania: tra questi in Daimler, Ferrostaal, Globalfoundries, e nel fotovoltaico.
o 2009, istituita la Camera dell’Industria e del Commercio Germania-Emirati, prima Camera bilaterale negli EAU.
– Negli EAU operano circa 750 imprese tedesche, la maggior parte a Dubai e Abu Dhabi, molto meno negli emirati settentrionali. Circa 10 000 i tedeschi che abitano negli EAU.
Uae interact 100525
Germany is UAE’s 5th largest trade partner, with non-oil trade reaching US$8.4 billion
– The Ministry of Foreign Trade has issued an analytical study on the nature of investment and trade relations between the United Arab Emirates and the Federal Republic of Germany. The study examined the current opportunities that are available to develop these relations in light of the advances both countries are witnessing in various sectors.
The study comes within the framework of the ministry’s mission and vision which is based on the government’s strategy of increasing awareness, exploring new export markets, increasing the competiveness of UAE exports and providing the suitable environment to encourage the private sector to engage in export activities.
– The study, which was prepared by the Ministry’s "Trade Analysis and Information Department", revealed that economic ties between the UAE and Germany have witnessed steady progress during the past few years which has been reflected in the volume of bilateral trade and investment.
– The value of non-oil commercial exchange between the two countries has gone up from US$6.188 billion in 2006 to US$8.448 billion in 2009, with a 36.5% increase, while non-oil commercial exchange reached US$10.609 billion in 2008, pointing out that Germany is considered the UAE’s 5th largest trade partner. Moreover, Germany’s share in the UAE’s total non-oil trade was 4.7% during 2009.
– The study, which was prepared by Economic Specialist Mr. Ahmed Al Ananbeh, under the supervision of Dr. Mattar Ahmad, the director of the Ministry’s Trade Analysis and Information Department, revealed that there are currently close to 157 German companies in the UAE, placing Germany at the 3rd place in the list of countries with the most companies in the UAE, preceded in this regard by the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
– The report also revealed that during the period between 1982 – 2009, the total number of commercial agencies reached 418 and the number of registered trademarks was 4868.
– Bilateral Trade – Non-oil bilateral trade between the UAE and Germany witnessed a noticeable increase during the past years. Non-oil exports were approximately US$91 billion in 2009, with a 26% increase from 2008, while the value of re-exports to Germany registered a 56.4% decline from 2008, at US$190 billion, which is considered closer to the 2007 figures.
– In the mean time, imports from Germany into the UAE decreased by 19.1% reaching US$8.167 billion, also considered similar to 2007 figures.
– This has led to the overall decrease of non-oil foreign trade between the two countries to US$8.4 billion, out of which US4281 million was the total value of UAE exports to Germany which is ranked fifth in the UAE’s 2009 and 2008 non-oil overall foreign trade geographic structure, and in 25th place in the list of states importing from the UAE for the year 2009, advancing from the 33rd place in 2008. Germany also holds the 30th position in the list of the most important re-export destinations from the UAE during 2009, going back from the 20th position in 2008. It’s also in the 4th position in the list of the most exporting states to the UAE in 2009, advancing by one spot from the previous year.
– The Commodity Structure – According to government figures, the UAE’s non-oil exports to Germany constituted 80% of the UAE’s overall exports to Germany, with a 61.7% increase from 2008 mainly due to the increase in the export of polyether, polycarbonates, polyester and similar products by approximately 129%, reaching over US$19 million.
– As for re-exports, data reveals that topping the list of the UAE’s re-exports to Germany were machinery, equipment, and special metals such as gold, as well as pearls.
– German Investments in the UAE According to the latest figures, German investments in the United Arab Emirates reached approximately US$165 million in 2006, with a 66% increase from 2005, constituting 0.9% of all direct investments in the state during 2006 which were approximately US$19 billion, and approximately US$34 million during 2007.
– German investments in the UAE are mainly in extraction, manufacturing, power generation, infrastructure, and event organisation.
– The UAE’s political stability, vibrant economy, strategic geographic location as an entry point to all of the regions markets, the availability of investment opportunities in the energy sector, especially in renewable energy [IRENA’s Host Country], ease of investment procedures, available modern infrastructure, and other facts all contribute towards its attractiveness as a foreign investment destination.
Recommendations – The analytical study, through a number of recommendations concerning the commercial and investment ties between the UAE and Germany, underlined the importance of working in the near future on strengthening investment cooperation between the two states and on attracting more German investments to the UAE and maximising the benefits of both country’s investment climates through utilising the UAE’s geographic location in advancing re-export commerce with Germany, especially that the UAE is right between South Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and owns maritime ports that are known for their highest standards and efficiency and operation, and also through utilising Germany’s strategic location in Europe.
– The study also recommended utilising the benefits of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area to attract more German companies to invest and set up joint industrial projects with the UAE. It also underlined the importance of paying more attention towards jointly investing in the renewable energy sector, because this sector is considered one of the most prominent new sectors that plays an important role in the UAE’s efforts towards economic diversification, especially that the UAE owns globally renowned renewable energy projects even though it is one of the world’s primary oil producers. – Emirates News Agency, WAM
Auswärtiges Amt
– The UAE are Germany’s most important trading partner in the Arab world. The UAE’s importance as a market for German exports is comparable with that of India, Hong Kong or Singapore.
o In 2008, the volume of bilateral trade grew by nearly 40 per cent, to EUR 8.16 billion. In 2009, German exports fell to EUR 6.1 billion as a result of the global financial and economic crisis; less pronounced was the decline in German imports from the UAE (EUR 466 million).
o In four years, German exports to the UAE have more than doubled, the principal exports being vehicles, machinery, electrical equipment as well as chemical products and energy technology.
o In 2009, the Emirate Abu Dhabi in particular made significant investments in Germany (including Daimler, Ferrostaal and Globalfoundries in Dresden and the photovoltaics sector in Thuringia).
– All the instruments for promoting German foreign trade are available in the UAE. The German Embassy in Abu Dhabi and the German Consulate General in Dubai provide advice and political support; the correspondent of Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI) draws up sectoral analyses and evaluates calls for tenders. In May2009, Federal Economics and Technology Minister zu Guttenberg attended the founding ceremony of the German-Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce (AHK), making Germany the first country to open a bilateral chamber of industry and commerce in the UAE. Its job is to further intensify bilateral trade and further improve German companies’ access to markets in the UAE.
– Some 750 German companies operate in the UAE, most of them in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and a far smaller number in the Northern Emirates. German businesses have joined forces to form the German Business Councils Dubai and Abu Dhabi. In addition, the German National Tourist Board and the Fraunhofer Society have offices in Dubai. There are some 10,000 German nationals living in the UAE.
– An air transport agreement and an investment promotion and protection agreement are in place between Germany and the UAE. The new double taxation agreement, on which negotiations were concluded in late 2008, is to take retrospective effect as of 1 January 2009, though it has not yet been signed. The old agreement expired at the end of 2008.
Stepping up cultural relations is another objective of the strategic partnership. Education and training have become the number one priority of the government of the UAE and are the main items in the current 2009/2010 budget. In May 2006, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Goethe Institute (GI) opened a common regional office for the Gulf States in Abu Dhabi. In addition, a Goethe-Institute German language centre was established in Dubai in December 2007.
There are also numerous cooperation and exchange projects between universities in Germany and the UAE. In June 2009, the DAAD and the Emirati Ministry of Higher Education signed an agreement to send Emirati students to Germany (Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes). There are officially recognized German Schools in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. The schools in Abu Dhabi and Dubai offer the German university-entrance qualification (Deutsches Internationales Abitur) and the school in Sharjah offers instruction up to the 10th grade. The German School in Abu Dhabi has been given the status of an International School (Begegnungschule) and moved to new premises in September 2008.