Sfilata navale per presentare i sottomarini della Cina

Nyt     090422
Sfilata navale per presentare i sottomarini della Cina

●     Saranno per la prima volta presentati al pubblico i sottomarini nucleari cinesi (N-E, porto di Qingdao), in occasione del 60° della Marina militare cinese.

        un segnale per i paesi asiatici impegnati in dispute territoriali nei mari est e sud-asiatici;

ci sono state recenti dispute territoriali della Cina con Giappone, Vietnam e Filippine.

– Serie di notizie che segnalano le mire imperialistiche della Cina:

●     La Cina intende acquistare una portaerei per meglio difendere il proprio territorio;

●     ha inviato sue navi da guerra contro la pirateria al largo della Somalia;

●     La Cina ha annunciato, dopo le tensioni sulle isole Nansha con le Filippine, che per legge le ha proclamate proprio territorio, che nei prossimi 3-5 anni, rafforzerà con altre 6 navi pattuglia la propria presenza navale nel Mar cinese meridionale, ufficialmente per “impedire la pesca illegale”.

●     Scorso marzo: schermaglie navali tra Cina e Usa, costa cinese meridionale, con 5 navi cinesi che hanno circondato la nave di pattuglia americana, Impeccable.

Secondo uno studio del Pentagono il governo cinese sta cercando armi e tecnologia militare per diminuire i vantaggi  militari USA, in particolare in caso di una guerra per Taiwan, appoggiato dagli Usa con vendite di armamenti.

Nyt      090422

April 22, 2009

Naval Show to Feature Submarines From China

–   A senior Chinese naval officer said that China would unveil its nuclear submarines to the public on Thursday as part of an international review of the country’s naval fleet “aimed at promoting understanding about China’s military development,” according to a report by Xinhua, the state news agency.

–   The appearance of the submarines, in the northeastern port city of Qingdao, would be the first time that China had publicly shown the vessels. They are among the most powerful ships in the Chinese Navy.

The officer, Vice Adm. Ding Yiping, deputy commander of the Chinese Navy, told Xinhua in an interview on Monday that “suspicions about China’s being a ‘threat’ to world security are mostly because of misunderstandings and lack of understandings about China.”

He added, “the suspicions would disappear if foreign counterparts could visit the Chinese Navy and know about the true situations.”

–   The naval show comes at a time of growing confidence on the part of the Chinese military. Senior Chinese officials have said China would like to acquire an aircraft carrier to better defend its territory. The Chinese government has sent warships to pirate-infested waters off the coast of Somalia to help defend freighters against attacks.

The vessel review being held in Qingdao is part of a ceremony to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Navy. The celebration began on Monday and includes delegations from 29 countries. Of those, 14 countries will be showing 21 vessels, according to Xinhua.

–   The naval show, and particularly the unveiling of the nuclear submarines, could be intended to send a signal to Asian countries that are engaged with China in territorial disputes over islands and potential oil fields in the seas of East and Southeast Asia. China has had recent disputes with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines over territorial claims in those seas.

–   Official Chinese news organizations reported on March 20 that the government intended to bolster its naval presence in the South China Sea by sending six more patrol vessels to the region in the next three to five years. The official reason was to “curb illegal fishing.” But the announcement came after tensions with the Philippines rose in March over the disputed Nansha Islands, which the Filipino government claimed as its territory in a law passed on March 10.

–   The Chinese and American governments also tussled last month over a naval skirmish off China’s southern coast. On March 8, five Chinese vessels harassed an American surveillance ship in international waters, Pentagon officials said. The Chinese insisted that the American ship, the Impeccable, was conducting illegal surveillance in waters under their jurisdiction.

–   China’s main military concern, though, is Taiwan, the self-governing democratic island that China says must be reunited with the mainland and that the United States supports with arms sales. Some Taiwanese strongly advocate open independence, and at times China has threatened the island with violence, but relations have improved since the election last year of Ma Ying-jeou as president of Taiwan. Mr. Ma rejects any notion of declaring independence.

–   The Pentagon released a study on March 25 that said that the Chinese government was seeking weapons and technology to disrupt the traditional advantages of the American military, and that the veil of secrecy the Chinese government had thrown over its military could lead to a miscalculation or conflict between the nations. According to the report, a main goal of China’s military buildup is to have sufficient forces on hand in the event of war across the Taiwan Strait.

In his interview with Xinhua, Admiral Ding said the naval show could be disrupted by bad weather like rain or fog.

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