SOMALIA – É iniziata la guerra inter-islamica
● Il ritiro delle truppe etiopi dalla Somalia rinfocola la lotta per il potere tra le varie fazioni islamiche;
o da due settimane è guerra a Guri Eyl,regione di Galgadud al centro del paese, tra i radicali dell’MYM, al-Shabaab, guidati da Mohamed Mukhtar Abdirahman “Abou Zubeyr” e Mukhtar Robow “Abou Mansur”,
o e le milizie del gruppo sufi Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee.
o Ad inizio gennaio, diversi gruppi alleati dei guerriglieri islamici hanno formato una coalizione a Mogadishu, preoccupati per le iniziative di al-Shaabab;
o ne fanno parte membri della Alliance for Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS, appoggiata dall’Eritrea) come lo sceicco Hassan Madhi; la milizia Jabiso (Somalia Islamic Front), un gruppo fondato nel 2007 dagli ex membri di al-Itihaad al-Islaami (AIAI) capeggiato da Ahmed Abdillahi Omar, e Ras Kamboni Mujahideen, capeggiato da Mohamed Muhumed Ali “Dulyadeyn” –
o Quest’ultimo gruppo nell’agosto 2008 ha partecipato all’attacco del porto di Kisimaayo assieme alle milizie al-Shaabab, è legato a Hassan Abdillahi Hersi “Turki”, il signore della guerra della valle di Juba, anch’egli legato a al-Shaab di Kisimaayo, il sotto-clan Reer Abdille del Darod/Ogaden.
– le milizie Al-Shaabab hanno proibito le pratiche religiose sufiste, saccheggiato la tomba di un dignitario sufista e assassinato uno dei suoi leader.
– L’Etiopia potrebbe contare sulle milizie di Ahlu Sunnah per contrastare l’MYM, ideologicamente “irachizzato”, una radicalizzazione strisciante emersa dalla pubblicazione a sett. 2008 di una rivista “La Religion d’Abraham”, che segue la dottrina di al-Tawhid wal-Jihad,
professata tra gli altri da Abu Musab al Zarqawi, il leader di al-Qaeda ucciso in Irak nel giugno 2006.
The Indian Ocean Newsletter 090110
SOMALIA – The inter-Islamist war has begun
– The retreat of Ethiopian troops from Somalia will fuel the power struggle between the various Islamist factions – which appeals to the strategic planners in Addis Ababa.
– The consequence of the recently begun withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia will be an increase in the intensity of the struggle for power between the various Somalian factions. Battle has already been raging for two weeks at Guri Eyl in the Galgadud region in the centre of the country between the radicals of the Mujahideen Youth Movement (MYM, al-Shabaab, led by Mohamed Mukhtar Abdirahman “Abou Zubeyr” and Mukhtar Robow “Abou Mansur”) and the militia in the Sufi group Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee’a. To impose their interpretation of the Koran, the al-Shabaab militia have banned Sufi religious practices, sacked the tomb of a Sufi dignitary and assassinated one of its spiritual leaders.
– Ethiopia could lay its bets on the Ahlu Sunnah militia to counter the MYM, which has become ideologically “Iraqised”, as its offensive against Somalian Sufis has shown.
– This creeping radicalisation had become noticeable since the publication of a magazine in September 2008 called La Religion d’Abraham, whose lines follow the Al-Tawhid wal-Jihad doctrine professed, among others, by Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the Al Qaeda leader killed in Iraq in June 2006.
– The rush by al-Shabaab militia to occupy the positions left vacant by the Ethiopian army is causing concern to the other Islamist combatants. This is what has probably pushed several of their allies to join forces at the beginning of January in Mogadishu, in order to better pave the way for the looming power struggle.
– This coalition gathers members of the Alliance for Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS, backed by Eritrea) like Sheikh Hassan Madhi; the Jabiso militia (Somalia Islamic Front), a group founded in 2007 by former members of al-Itihaad al-Islaami (AIAI) headed by Ahmed Abdillahi Omar; as well as Ras Kamboni Mujahideen. The latter group, headed by Mohamed Muhumed Ali “Dulyadeyn”, participated in August 2008 in the assault on the port of Kisimaayo alongside the al-Shabaab militia.
But in particular it is loyal to the Juba Valley warlord (also linked to al-Shabaab in Kisimaayo), Hassan Abdillahi Hersi “Turki”, a Darod/Ogaden of sub-clan Reer Abdille.