Kissinger, il servizi Usa avallano un “mondo senza Israele”+ FPJ: Gli Usa si preparano ad un Medio Oriente post-Israele?

Mo, Israele, paesi arabi, Iran, Usa
PressTV        120930

Kissinger, il servizi Usa avallano un “mondo senza Israele”

Kevin Barrett
+ Foreign Policy Journal 120828
Gli Usa si preparano ad un Medio Oriente post-Israele?
Franklin Lamb

o   Una recente analisi – commissionata dalla Comunità dell’Intelligence (CI),

[1] comprendente 16 agenzie di servizi segreti che dispongono di un bilancio complessivo di $70MD, in un’analisi di 82 pag., intitolata “Prepararsi ad un Medio Oriente post-Israele”

–        sollecita l’Amministrazione Obama a ripensare le relazioni con Israele.

–       Essa conclude che gli interessi nazionali americani sono fondamentalmente in contraddizione con quelli di Israele.

o   Per i suoi autori Israele è attualmente la maggiore minaccia agli interessi nazionali americani perché impedisce agli Usa di avere relazioni normali con i paesi arabi e musulmani.

–       Nella campagna per le presidenziali Usa, alcuni esponenti Repubblicani hanno cercato di utilizzare l’analisi suddetta in funzione elettorale anti-Obama, per assicurarsi l’elettorato ebraico, ribadendo il supporto repubblicano ad Israele. Tra questi anche William Cristol, editore del neocon Weekly Standard e direttore di New American Century, una lobby con sede a Washington “Israel fairst – Prima Israele”

–       Henry Kissinger e le 16 agenzie americane di intelligence, concordano che in un prossimo futuro Israele non esisterà più.

–       Sempre più cittadini americani, compresi i servizi segreti, pensano che i nemici di Israele, oltre 1,5 miliardi di musulmani nel mondo, con gran parte del mondo non-europeo, non devono essere nemici degli Usa;

–       gli Usa si dissanguano finanziariamente e sacrificano migliaia di vite nelle guerre per Israele, guerre che più che aiutare danneggiano gli interessi strategici americani (tra cui l’acquisto di gas e petrolio da governi stabili e cooperativi).

–       L’analisi parla dell’Iran come esempio di paese e popolazione che hanno molto in comune con gli americani e i cui cittadini hanno interesse ad associazioni bilaterali.


–       Kissinger (citato dal New Yorl Post) non dice che:

o    Israele è in pericolo e che potrebbe essere salvato se gli Usa gli dessero altri trilioni di $ e schiacciasse militarmente i suoi nemici;

o   che se fosse eletto alla presidenza il Rep. Mitt Romney, vecchio amico di Netanyhau, Israele potrebbe essere salvato,

–       dice semplicemente che fra dieci anni Israele non esisterà più.

–        Il rapporto di intelligence annota:


o   i 700 000 coloni israeliani, che occupano illegalmente terre rubate nel 1967, che tutto il mondo pensa appartengano ai palestinesi – non se ne andranno pacificamente;


o   la coalizione estremista di governo israeliana, Likud, influenzata dal potere politico e finanziario dei coloni ne giustifica e appoggia sempre più la crescente violenza e illegalità, e sarà sempre più spesso confrontata con conflitti civili interni, in cui gli Usa non devono essere coinvolti.

o   Sono indifendibili e insostenibili la brutalità e criminalità dei coloni, e le infrastrutture stile apartheid …

o   Israele non è in grado di resistere al “rullo compressore” filo-palestinese rappresentato dalla Primavera araba, dal Risveglio islamico e dall’ascesa della Rep. Islamica di Iran.

o   In MO sta accelerando il crollo delle dittature che nel passato hanno compresso le aspirazioni filo-palestinesi e che collaboravano con, o tolleravano, Israele, un processo iniziato nel 1979 con la caduta dallo sha iraniano e la costituzione della repubblica islamica.


o   Israele interferisce pesantemente negli affari interni Usa, con spionaggio e trasferimento illegale di armi, con l’appoggio a oltre 60 “organizzazioni di copertura” e circa 7500 funzionari


–       Alla luce di queste realtà il governo americano non ha più le risorse militari e finanziarie per continuare a sostenere Israele contro la volontà di oltre 1 miliardo di suoi confinanti.

–       Per normalizzare le relazioni con 57 paesi islamici, gli Usa dovranno seguire i propri interessi nazionali, e abbandonare Israele.


–       Uno dei motivi per cui né Kissinger (di origini ebraiche), né i servizi segreti si dispiacciono per la fine di Israele:

o   la comunità ebraica americana non è più unita nell’appoggio ad Israele, e tantomeno ai dirigenti del Likud;

o   Nonostante i tentativi di Netanyhau di spingere gli elettori ebraici a votare per Romney, Obama conquisterà/ha conquistato la maggioranza dei loro voti;

–       Un altro importante motivo:

o   la conoscenza che sono stati Israele e i suoi sostenitori a provocare gli attacchi dell’11 settembre, non i musulmani radicali;

o   ne è certo al 100%, ad es., l’ex direttore degli Studi Strategici del US Army War College;

o   Alan Hart, ex corrispondente BBC per il MO (ed amico personale di Golda Meir e Yasser Arafat);

o   un candidato presidenziale, Merlin Miller.

Scopo principale del 9/11 era sigillare nel sangue il legame intenso e indistruttibile tra Usa e Israele, per cercare di assicurare la sopravvivenza di Israele lanciando una guerra di lungo termine contro i nemici di Israele.

[1] Nella CI sono compresi: I dipartimenti di Marina, Eservito, Forze Armate, Marine, Guardia Costiera, Defense Intelligence Agency, I dipartimenti di Energia, Sicurezza Interna, Stato, Tesoro, Agenzia anti-narcotici, FBI, Agenzia per la Sicurezza Nazionale, Agenzia per l’Intelligence Geospaziale Nazionale, Agenzia di Ricognizione Nazionale, CIA

PressTV          120930
Kissinger, US intelligence community endorse “World Without Israel”
By Kevin Barrett
Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:51PM GMT

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been vilified in the Western media for daring to imagine “a world without Israel.”

–          But according to news reports, Henry Kissinger and sixteen American intelligence agencies agree that in the near future, Israel will no longer exist.

The New York Post quotes Kissinger “word for word”: In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.

–          Kissinger’s statement is flat and unqualified. He is not saying that Israel is in danger, but could be saved if we just gave it additional trillions of dollars and smashed enough of its enemies with our military.

–          He is not saying that if we elect Netanyahu’s old friend Mitt Romney, Israel could somehow be salvaged. He is not saying that if we bomb Iran, Israel might survive. He is not offering a way out. He is simply stating a fact: In 2022, Israel will no longer exist.

–          The US Intelligence Community agrees, though perhaps not on the precise 2022 expiration date. Sixteen US intelligence agencies with a combined budget over USD70 billion have issued an 82-page analysis titled “Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East.”

–          The US intelligence report observes that the 700,000 Israeli settlers illegally squatting on land stolen in 1967 – land that the entire world agrees belongs to Palestine, not Israel – are not going to pack up and leave peacefully. Since the world will never accept their ongoing presence on stolen land, Israel is like South Africa in the late 1980s.

–          The extremist Likud coalition governing Israel, according to the US intelligence report, is increasingly condoning and supporting rampant violence and lawlessness by illegal settlers. The report states that the brutality and criminality of the settlers, and the growing apartheid-style infrastructure including the apartheid wall and the ever-more-draconian system of checkpoints, are indefensible, unsustainable, and out of synch with American values.

–          The sixteen US intelligence agencies agree that Israel cannot withstand the coming pro-Palestinian juggernaut consisting of the Arab Spring, the Islamic Awakening, and the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

–          In the past, dictatorships in the region kept a lid on the pro-Palestinian aspirations of their people. But those dictatorships began to topple with the fall of the pro-Israel Shah of Iran in 1979 and the establishment of a democratic Islamic Republic, whose government had little choice but to reflect its people’s opposition to Israel. The same process – the overthrow of dictators who worked with, or at least tolerated, Israel – is now accelerating throughout the region. The result will be governments that are more democratic, more Islamic, and far less friendly to Israel.

–          The US intelligence community report says that in light of these realities, the US government simply no longer has the military and financial resources to continue propping up Israel against the wishes of more than a billion of its neighbors.

–          In order to normalize relations with 57 Islamic countries, the report suggests, the US will have to follow its own national interests and pull the plug on Israel.

–          Interestingly, neither Henry Kissinger nor the authors of the US Intelligence Report give any sign that they are going to mourn the demise of Israel. This is remarkable, given that Kissinger is Jewish and has always been viewed as a friend (if occasionally a tough friend) of Israel, and that all Americans, including those who work for intelligence agencies, have been influenced by the strongly pro-Israel media.

What explains such complacency?

Americans who pay attention to international affairs – a category that surely includes Kissinger and the authors of the Intelligence Report – are growing fed up with Israeli intransigence and fanaticism. Netanyahu’s bizarre, widely-ridiculed performance at the United Nations, where he brandished a cartoonish caricature of a bomb in such a way that he himself came across as a caricature of a “mad Zionist,” was the latest in a series of gaffes by Israeli leaders who seem prone to overplaying their hand.

–          A second factor is the festering resentment many Americans feel over the Israel Lobby’s imperious domination of public discourse. Every time a well-known American journalist is fired for going “off-script” about Israel, as happened to Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez, a mostly-invisible backlash, like a tidal wave rippling beneath the surface of the ocean, grows in power. And every time the Israel lobby slaps down someone like Maureen Dowd, who recently observed that the same Israel-fanatics who dragged the US into the Iraq war are now trying to do the same thing with Iran, the more people begin to wake up and realize that people like Dowd, Thomas, and Sanchez are speaking the truth.

–          A third reason for complacency in the face of Israel’s impending demise: The American Jewish community is no longer united in support of Israel, much less its Likudnik leadership. Sophisticated Jewish journalists and analysts like Philip Weiss are recognizing the insanity of Israel’s current leadership and the hopelessness of its predicament. According to recent reports, it is no longer fashionable among young American Jews to care about Israel. And despite Netanyahu’s frantic attempts to sway Jewish voters toward the Mormon Likudnik Mitt Romney, polls show that Obama, who is on record saying he “hates” the “liar” Netanyahu, will easily win the majority of Jewish votes.

–          Finally, we come to the least obvious – but most powerful – reason for Kissinger’s and the CIA’s complacency in the face of Israel’s implosion: The inexorable trickle-down of knowledge that Israel and its supporters, not radical Muslims, carried out the 9/11 false-flag attacks.

    Increasingly, it is not fringe anti-Semitic groups, but high-level responsible observers, who are saying this.

– Alan Sabrosky, the half-Jewish former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, has come on my radio show to say that he has discussed with his colleagues the “100% certainty” that Israel and its supporters did 9/11. And Alan Hart, the former lead BBC correspondent for the Middle East (and personal friend of Golda Meir and Yasser Arafat) has also come on my radio show to break the story that he, too, knows that Israel and company orchestrated 9/11.

–          Today, we even have a presidential candidate, Merlin Miller, who is on the record stating that Israel, not al-Qaeda, carried out the 9/11 attacks.

– The chief purpose of 9/11 was to “seal in blood” an intense, unbreakable emotional bond between the US and Israel, in a desperate bid to assure Israel’s survival by launching a long-term US war against Israel’s enemies. As the “dancing Israelis” arrested for celebrating the 9/11 operation tried to convince the police: “Our enemies are your enemies. The Palestinians are your enemies.”

–          But more and more Americans, including the US intelligence community as a whole, now recognize that the enemies of Israel (the entire Muslim world of over 1.5 billion people, along with most of the non-European world) do not have to be the enemies of the United States.

–          In fact, the US is going broke and sacrificing thousands of lives in wars for Israel – wars that damage, rather than aid, US strategic interests. (One of those interests, of course, is buying oil and gas from stable, cooperative governments.)

As the recognition grows that 9/11 was not a radical Islamic attack, but an act of dastardly, bloody treason by supporters of Israel, it will become ever-easier for American policy makers, following in the footsteps of Kissinger and the sixteen intelligence agencies, to recognize the obvious: Israel has reached the end of its shelf-life.

Foreign Policy Journal           120828

John C. Goodman on Replacing Obamacare and Curing the Healthcare Crisis

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East?
by Franklin Lamb
August 28, 2012

The Congresswoman’s focus will likely not be on pushing the republican’s talking points regarding her party’s nominee, Mitt Romney, the former “moderate Massachusetts governor” who she is aware is unlikely to win the White House. Nor, according to a source at the Democratic National Committee, frantically putting together final touches on their own Convention, to be held the week of September 3 in Charlotte, North Carolina, will Ileana spend much time with or promoting Mitt’s running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan. Ryan, an Ayn Rand (author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged as well as founder of the Objectivism movement) follower, regularly tells audiences that “Ayn Rand’s teachings have been one of the most profound philosophical influences of my life”—well, except for religion and abortion, as Ayn who passed away in 1982 was an avowed atheist and strongly pro-abortion, the opposite of what Ryan tells audiences he is.


–          Rather, Ros-Lehtinen will be meeting with local, national, and international Jewish leaders in this must win state where she has been assigned the task of reassuring them that the Republican Party is Israel’s best friend and that

–          a recent US government draft report urging a US re-think of its relationship to Israel is the responsibility of none other than Barack Obama, and it reveals his true disdain for Israel.

–          Helping her smear the White House with the findings in the draft analysis will be William Kristol, publisher of the neoconservative Weekly Standard and Director of the New American Century, an “Israel first” Washington-based lobby “promoting joint Israeli and American political and military leadership across the globe, while bringing democracy to the Middle East”.

So what is all the fuss about?

–          It’s a paper entitled “Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East”, an 82-page analysis that concludes that the American national interest in fundamentally at odds with that of Zionist Israel. The authors conclude that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests because its nature and actions prevent normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries and, to a growing degree, the wider international community.

–          The study was commissioned by the US Intelligence Community comprising 16 American intelligence agencies with an annual budget in excess of $ 70 billion. The IC includes the Departments of the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Defense Intelligence Agency, Departments of Energy, Homeland Security, State, Treasure, Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency commissioned the study.

–          Among the many findings that Ros-Lehtenin and Kristol and other unregistered agents of Israel will likely try to exploit politically between now and November 6, by using them to attack the Obama Administration are the following:

–              Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only “Western” nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;

–              The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;

–              The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;

–              The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population;

–              Simultaneous with, but predating, rapidly expanding Arab and Muslim power in the region as evidenced by the Arab spring, Islamic Awakening and the ascendancy of Iran, as American power and influence recedes, the US commitment to belligerent oppressive Israel is becoming impossible to defend or execute consistent given paramount US national interests which include normalizing relations with the 57 Islamic countries;

–              Gross Israeli interference in the internal affairs of the United States through spying and illegal US arms transfers. This includes supporting more than 60 ‘front organizations’ and approximately 7,500 US officials who do Israel’s bidding and seek to dominate and intimidate the media and agencies of the US government which should no longer be condoned;

–              That the United States government no longer has the financial resources, or public support to continue funding Israel. The billions of dollars in direct and indirect aid from US taxpayers to Israel since 1967 is not affordable and is increasingly being objected to by US taxpayers who oppose continuing American military involvement in the Middle East. US public opinion no longer supports funding and executing widely perceived illegal US wars on Israel’s behalf. This view is increasingly being shared by Europe, Asia and the International public;

    Israel’s segregationist occupation infrastructure evidenced by legalized discrimination and increasingly separate and unequal justice systems must no longer be directly or indirectly funded by the US taxpayers or  ignored by the US government;

–              Israel has failed as a claimed democratic state and continued American financial and political cover will not change its continuing devolution as international pariah state;

    Increasingly, rampant and violent racism exhibited among Jewish settlers in the West Bank is being condoned by the Israeli government to a degree that the Israel government has become its protector and partner;

    The expanding chasm among American Jews objecting to Zionism and Israeli practices, including the killing and brutalizing of Palestinians under Israeli occupation, are gross violations of American and International law and raise questions within the US Jewish community regarding the American responsibility to protect (R2P) innocent civilians under occupation;

–              The international opposition to the increasingly apartheid regime can no longer be synchronized with American claimed humanitarian values or US expectations in its bi-lateral relations with the 193 member United Nations;

–              The Draft ends with language about the need to avoid entangling alliances that alienate much of the World and condemn American citizens to endure the consequences.

–          Interestingly, it notes Iran as an example of a country and people that have much in common and whose citizens have a real interest in enjoy bilateral associations (here an apparent reference to Israel and its US lobby) not determined by the wishes of other countries and their agents. It also highlights the need for the US to undertake the repairing of relations with Arab and Muslim countries, including the drastically curtained use of drone aircraft.

The coming days will clarity the success of Israel’s in making an issue of the finding in the soon to be published draft report and the degree to which the Republican Party will gain for its findings in the race for the White House.

[Editor’s Note: While this report does not mention the source for the information concerning the alleged draft report, FPJ with permission from the author is able to disclose that the source is a staffer with a certain research unit of the CIA.]

Franklin Lamb is doing research in Lebanon and can be reached at Read more articles by

Franklin Lamb

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