<107130116"> Gli Usa respingono
Steven R. Weisman
<107130117"> Gli Usa hanno ancora una volta respinto, con toni più forti, gli sforzi tedeschi per un seggio nel C.d.S. Onu , una mossa foriera di tensioni con Schröder.
In colloquio privato con il ministro tedesco degli Esteri Fischer, il segretario di Stato americano Rice ha ridefinito la posizione americana: l’espansione del C.d.S. è una questione secondaria; importante è rendere più efficiente la direzione Onu .
L’amministrazione non sarebbe contraria al seggio permanente tedesco di per se, ma sarebbe preoccupata per l’allargamento da 15 a 25 membri del C.d.S.
Diplomatici europei e asiatici invece affermano di avere l’impressione contraria; la posizione americana sarebbe dettata soprattutto dalla sfiducia in Schröder. Schröder ha fatto campagna contro la guerra in occasione della sua rielezione nel 2002, e all’ Onu nel 2003; quest’anno deve di nuovo affrontare una battaglia per la rielezione.
Un alto diplomatico europeo: con il loro atteggiamento gli Usa rischierebbero di non poter contare sulla Germania e su altri paesi ad esempio nella questione iraniana.
<107130118"> 4 paesi rinunciano a chiedere il diritto di veto
I 4 candidati a un seggio permanente Onu, Brasile, Germania, India e Giappone, hanno dichiarato in una risoluzione rivista che rinunciano per 15 anni al diritto di veto nel C.d.S.; chiedono però altri 2 altri seggi permanenti per due paesi africani, non meglio definiti; i candidati più probabili sarebbero Egitto Nigeria e Sudafrica. Nyt 05-06-09
<106535211"/> U.S. Rebuffs Germans on Security Council Bid
The officials said that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice again relayed the United States ‘ position in private to the German foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, on Wednesday, suggesting that expansion of the Security Council was secondary in importance to other changes in the United Nations, such as streamlining management. The United States had declined to endorse the German effort for weeks, but its tone became more emphatic in recent days. “There are many reforms on the table,” Ms. Rice told reporters with Mr. Fischer at her side after they met at the State Department. “Now, in the context of broad reform, we also think that Security Council reform definitely needs to be examined.” She said “various ideas” would be given “a sober and reflective discussion” to reach a consensus. German officials said that Ms. Rice told Mr. Fischer that the administration was not opposing
“We were given to understand by the
A senior administration official said that Ms. Rice had told Mr. Fischer that while not supporting the effort by the four nations, the United States “was not opposed to any plan” but wanted more discussion. Noting that China opposes a seat for Japan, Italy opposes one for Germany and Pakistan opposes one for India, the official said, “We want to make sure there is a thorough discussion among all the parties, and we’re not sure that has taken place.”
But several other European and Asian diplomats say they have gotten the impression from top officials of the Bush administration that it opposes German membership , even if it eventually goes along with membership for other countries.
Some diplomats said that they believed further that a factor in the
Expanding the Security Council needs the support of 128 nations, or two thirds of the 191 United Nations members. A vote is set for September, but diplomats involved in the effort say a consensus must emerge by July for a change to occur. Germany and the other countries acknowledge that they lack the necessary votes but contend they are making progress. American support is considered essential to any consensus.
Officially, the Bush administration has only endorsed
“The German efforts have not met with great enthusiasm in
The Bush administration says it has made what it describes as “reform” at the United Nations a priority, and that the need for it was the reason cited when Mr. Bush nominated John R. Bolton to be ambassador to the United Nations. What several diplomats called growing
A top European diplomat involved in delicate negotiations on many matters said the United States opposition was rankling Germany and could make it harder to work with Germany and other nations on such issues as preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons.
Speaking to reporters before meeting with Ms. Rice, Mr. Fischer said he understood that
in convincing the United States of the merits of German membership but that expansion of the Security Council was necessary to strengthen its legitimacy throughout the world.
Asked about the chances of convincing the United States , he said, “We are trying our very best.”
Nyt 05-06-08
<107130119"> 4 Nations Drop Demand for Veto
By The New York Times
UNITED NATIONS, June 8 – The four countries lobbying jointly for permanent seats on the Security Council – Brazil, Germany, India and Japan – said Wednesday that they were dropping their demand for the veto power that the five existing permanent members possess.
In a revised resolution, which they hope to submit to a vote of the General Assembly this month, the four said they would delay pressing for veto rights for 15 years. In a cover letter, they acknowledged that the veto matter had caused particular concern to the wider membership in the campaign for the 128 votes needed to approve the measure. The resolution also calls for two more permanent seats for unnamed African nations.
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